How to Lose Weight if You're Over 50

1. Lift Weights

Strength training with resistance bands, dumbbells, and body weight can boost muscle mass, supporting metabolism and healthy weight management. Combining weight training with aerobic exercise helps lose visceral fat.

2. Try the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet, rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and olive oil, is recommended by health experts. A 2024 study in Nutrients found it helps menopausal women lose fat and maintain muscle mass.

3. Add More Protein to Your Plate

Incorporating more lean protein, such as chicken breast and fish, or supplementing with protein shakes can reduce body weight by decreasing fat mass and preserving lean muscle.

4. Don’t Skip the Carbs

Healthy carbs like beans, sweet potatoes, and brown rice should be eaten after protein and vegetables to manage insulin spikes and enhance satiety. This approach helps control cravings and prevents overeating.

5. Go for a Walk

A 10-minute walk after dinner aids digestion and manages insulin spikes, promoting satiety. Additionally, a nightly walk adds aerobic activity, contributing to the caloric deficit needed for weight loss.

6. Get Quality Sleep

For better sleep, consider magnesium glycinate or magnesium L-threonate supplements. A 2021 study in the International Journal of Obesity linked good sleep health with greater weight.

7. Look Beyond the Scale

The number on the scale isn't the only measure of health. Waist-to-hip ratio is crucial for assessing weight-related health risks. Share these measurements with your health care provider when discussing weight loss goals.